10 Questions we NEVER get answers to!

Getting information from a toddler is super easy when it’s on their terms. Until you actually have a question, at which point they will either ignore you, roar at you or give you the wrong answer… on purpose. Here are 10 questions I am always asking but NEVER get the right answer to… any answer at all.

  1. What is that?
  2. Why is that WET?
  3. Why have you done that?
  4. WHERE IS IT!? (sometimes followed by “Did you swallow it?”)
  5. Hello? Can you hear me speaking to you?
  6. Do you need the toilet?
  7. Why didn’t you tell mummy that you needed to go?
  8. Have you finished?… HAVE YOU FINISHED?!
  9. Did you bite him?
  10. WHY!?


Can you relate?

Island Living 365

You Baby Me Mummy

8 thoughts on “10 Questions we NEVER get answers to!

  1. Ha ha, this is so true. The questions I always here are ‘why aren’t you tired yet’ and ‘have you done a poo?’ and ‘whatever is the matter?’ (usually shouted, over me screaming). x #FridayFrolics

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